apartment or villa? 9 REASONS why this is the better choice
If you have been considering a move to a bigger apartment or sitting on the fence between an apartment and a villa, here are a few reasons to hit the reset button and start afresh. Buying a home – villa or apartment – is one of the most important decisions you will make in your lifetime. The kind of home to buy gained a fresh perspective after the Covid era.
The need for space within the home, a small open piece of land within the home to stretch your legs, a terrace to get some fresh air and clear the head, or a walking track within the community to safely exercise, gained significance, thanks to the pandemic.
A home became a multi-faceted unit – your office, gym, theatre, restaurant, and pub.
We list nine benefits of living in a villa and take a brief look at the benefits of an apartment, too, so that you can make an objective decision with an open mind.
A Piece of Land to Call Your Own
The primary difference between villa and an apartment is that you own the piece of land your house sits upon in case of a villa. Even though you get ownership to an undivided share of land in an apartment, it is much smaller compared to a villa. In real terms, there is no utility to that piece of land.
Few common walls: No one above or below you
In a villa, you don’t share common walls with your neighbors. In a row house, there is often one or two common walls shared with the adjoining houses. But, there is no one above or below you unlike an apartment. This not only enhances your privacy, it also gives one the freedom to pursue their hobbies such as kicking ball in the terrace or play the piano in their homes without disturbing the neighbors.
Private Spaces for Everyone

The home has transformed into everything from an office to a classroom overnight with a multitude of activities happening simultaneously. In an apartment which is often on one level, disturbance and noise interference is high. For instance, if both the spouses are on call, or if the child is watching television, it becomes difficult to focus.
In a villa, with private spaces for everyone, there is room for everyone to go about their tasks uninterrupted.
designed for social distancing (HINT: elevators)
A factor that has more relevance in today’s times is the number of common areas you share with other people. One high traffic zone is the elevator in the case of an apartment, one that you cannot often avoid if your home is on the higher floors. The car park is usually in the basement or ground floor of an apartment building whereas in a villa, the garage is attached to your home eliminating the need for an elevator.

The common areas in a villa community are typically shared by a lesser number of people than an apartment building. Most villa communities come with a backyard garden and a small lawn in the front that tend to make the common parks lesser crowded relative to an apartment. The amenities are often not concentrated in a central location in a villa. They are peppered around the plan whereas in an apartment building the amenities are clustered for better utilization of the open spaces.
Terrace Opens Up A World Of Opportunities

In this post, we discussed 7 ways a terrace can transform your life from boring to exciting.
Life Around the Backyard
For most of us, winning a patch of land and a garden to tend to in front of the house or in the backyard is an item on the bucket list waiting to be ticked off. In many ways, it rekindles childhood memories as apartments are a concept we got familiarized with in the last two decades.
A garden or a terrace garden turns even the most novice gardeners into passionate ones. The joy of seeing a tomato seedling produce one humble tomato nudges one to take another bold step. And before you realize, you’d have a terrace full of pots and the weekend calendar blocked for trips to the nursery. It’s a hobby that grows on you with time, and there are many life lessons there for kids to learn as well – patience, humility, perseverance, and gentleness.
Grooming can take a backseat but not exercise as Dhoni showed. Taking your dog for a run to let off steam or play with your child in the backyard are all within means in a villa.
A 2,800 sq.ft villa feels bigger compared to a similar-sized apartment because it is distributed over multiple levels. An apartment is often designed to be on one level. The outlier apartments distributed over multiple levels tend to be more expensive than a villa.
There’s a different perspective of security in a villa. Kids cycle or skate on the roads in front of your homes in a villa whereas in an apartment there is a common area designated for this which may not be in the direct line of vision from your home. It’s convenient and easier to keep a tab on the younger kids in a villa than in an apartment.
Now, those were nine benefits of a villa. Does that mean there are no advantages in an apartment? Of course, there are. Here are a couple of them:
VIEW of the city
If you are in the topmost floors of a high rise building, it will come with enviable views of the city. Of course, there aren’t many high rises and there’s a floor cost added if you go higher.
sense of security
There’s a sense of comfort and security if you have live in an apartment for long. If you’ve been fortunate to have good neighbors, it comes from the fact that you can step out of your home and knock on your neighbor’s door. Or ask them to keep a watchful eye on your kid if you had to step out on an emergency. In a villa community, the homes are separate units and often away from one another.
We were convinced about reclaiming our childhoods, which is why we build only villas that are affordable and priced to sell FAST. If you are convinced and are looking or options that comes with impeccable quality from a highly educated and professional team, check out the projects section for our ongoing projects in Whitefield and Sarjapura areas of Bangalore.